Paper publications by MARGOT researchers that are relevant to their projects:


Swift, Helen. Gender, Writing, and Performance: Men Defending Women in Late-Medieval France (1440-1540), Oxford Modern Languages Monographs, Oxford: OUP, 2008.

McWebb, Christine. Debating the Roman de la rose: a Critical Anthology. New York: Routledge, 2007.

Russell, D.W., ed. « La Vie seinte Osrith, virge e martire » [with facing page translation in English, by Jane Zatta, rev. and annotated Jocelyn Wogan-Browne], Papers on Language & Literature 41, nos. 3 & 4 [Tribute to Jane Zatta 1948-2005, special issue] (Summer & Fall 2005), 339-441.

Russell, D.W., ed. La Vie de seynt Fraunceys d'Assise. Anglo-Norman Texts, Nos. 59-61. London: Anglo-Norman Text Society, 2002.

Beaulieu, Jean-Philippe, Hannah Fournier, eds. Marie le Jars de Gournay. Les Advis, ou, les Presens de la Demoiselle de Gournay 1641. Amsterdam: Faux Titre, Vol. 2, 2002.

Beaulieu, Jean-Philippe, Hannah Fournier, eds. Marie le Jars de Gournay. Les Advis, ou, les Presens de la Demoiselle de Gournay 1641. Amsterdam: Faux Titre, Vol. 1,1997.

Abbott, Carmeta, Hannah Fournier, eds. Les Jumeaux Martyrs par Alberte-Barbe d`Ernecourt, Madame de Saint-Balmon. Paris: Droz, 1995.

Russell, D.W., ed. La Vie seint Richard, evesque de Cycestre, by Pierre d'Abernon of Fetcham. London: Anglo-Norman Text Society, 1995.

Russell, D.W., ed. Le Légendier apostolique anglo-normand. Montréal: Presses de l'Université de Montréal, and Paris: Vrin, 1989.


McWebb, Christine. "Le discours de l'alchimie et l'alchimie du discours dans le Roman de la rose de Jean de Meun." Texte: Revue de critique et de théorie littéraire. Epistémocritique. Eds. D. Bruce and C. McWebb. 43/44 (2009): 66-78.

Russell, Delbert W. "The Cultural Context of the French prose remaniement of the Life of Edward the Confessor by a Nun of Barking Abbey," in Language and Culture in Medieval Britain: The French of England c. 1100 - c. 1500, ed. Jocelyn Wogan-Browne, with Carolyn Colette, Maryanne Kowaleski, Linne Mooney, Ad Putter and David Trotter (York: University of York, York Medieval Press, in assoc. with Boydell Press, Woodbridge, Suffolk, and Rochester, NY, 2009), pp. 290-302.

Swift, Helen. "Splitting Heirs: Wrestling with the Rose in the querelle des femmes", in Essays in Later Medieval French Literature: The Legacy of Jane H. M. Taylor, ed. Rebecca Dixon, Durham Modern Languages Series (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2009).

Swift, Helen. "Haunting Text and Image: Having It Out With Misogynistic Authorities In The Late Medieval querelle des femmes", Haunting Presences: Ghosts in Francophone Literature, Film and Art, ed. Kate Griffiths and David Evans (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2009), pp. 29-42.

McWebb, Christine. "A Female Translator/Author in Late Medieval Germany: The Case of Elisabeth of Nassau-Saarbrücken." The Medieval Translator 10 (2007): 241-53.

Russell, Delbert and Tony Hunt. "Two Anglo-Norman inedita from MS Douce d.6," (Essays in Honour of Brian Merrilees) Florilegium 24 (2007): 55-79.

McWebb, Christine. “Hermeneutics of Irony: Lady Reason and the Romance of the Rose,” Dalhousie French Studies 69 (2004) : 3-13.

McWebb, Christine. “Debate of the Roman de la rose,” Women in the Middle Ages. An Encyclopedia. 2 vols. Eds. Nadia Margolis and Katharina M. Wilson. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood P, 2004. Vol. 2, 805-809.

McWebb, Christine. “Heresy and Debate: Reading the Roman de la rose,” Aevum: Rassegna di Scienze Storiche, Linguistiche, e Filologiche 3 (2003) : 545-56.

Russell, Delbert. “The Campsey Collection of Old French Saints’ Lives: a Re-examination of its Structure and Provenance,” Scriptorium LVII (2003), 51-83, + Planches couleur 4-7.

McWebb, Christine. “The Roman de la rose and the Livre des trois vertus: The Never-Ending Debate,” in Au champ des escriptures (Actes du IIIe Colloque international sur Christine de Pizan, Lausanne, 18-22 juillet 1998). Ed. Eric Hicks. Paris: Champion, 2000, 309-24.